Take this free assessment to identify the mental barriers holding you back from achieving your potential. Before you can make improvements you need to know how you are mentally holding yourself back from performing your best. This is the first step to increasing your self-awareness and improving your mental game.
Check off all the statements below that apply to your mental game:
You perform better in practice than competition
You struggle to bounce back from mistakes and refocus
You lack confidence and have self-doubt about your skills
You choke under pressure
You have trouble staying focused on the correct things and can’t ignore distractions
You need to control your anxiety/nerves/stress
You need to control your frustration
You need to control your sadness
You do not have clear goals. You lack direction
You can’t stay motivated. It is hard to always give 100% effort. You need help managing your energy and improving your practice performance
You worry about failing or making mistakes
You are not sure how to get in the zone consistently. You need help with mental preparation
You need to remove mental blocks
You need help managing your perfectionism and expectations Expecting to be perfect or make no mistakes gets in the way of your performance.
You want to improve your overall mental toughness
You need to improve your self talk. Including managing negative thinking, using helpful/positive thinking and decreasing self-criticism
You want help coping with injury/pain
You are dealing with personal issues that are interfering with your sport
You are in a performance slump or feel burnt out
You overthink before you compete
You worry about what others think when you are competing
You have coaches or parents who are difficult to deal with. They are affecting your performance or training
You are going through a tough transition such as high school to college or into retirement
You would like to improve you awareness of the mental barriers that are stopping you from performing your best
If you have checked 2 or more boxes above you can definitely improve your performance with mental training.
If you want to go one step further look at all the statements you have checked. For each mental barrier rate out of 5 how much it hurts your performance or affects your training. For example if you struggle to bounce back from mistakes you would rate this 5 if you often perform worse afterwards. Once you have done this for each, identify the five mental barriers rated the highest and these are the areas you need to start working on first.
What to do next? If you are ready for one-on-one sessions and a customized mental training program contact me here. Be sure to let me the results of your free mental skills assessment above.
If not or you want to improve your mental game yourself sign up here for my free newsletter. You will receive bonus tips and exclusive deals not on my website. You will also receive my free e-book: Top Ten Mental Mistakes Athletes Make In Competition: What Every Athlete, Coach and Parent Need To Avoid To Improve Mental Toughness. Plus you get the strategies top athletes use to become mentally tough and get an edge over their opponents.